• Minnesota

    Olmsted County community health needs assessment

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Rochester, Minn. (Olmsted County News Release Nov. 9, 2015) – The second Olmsted County Community Health Needs Assessment Survey will be mailed this week to randomly selected households throughout Olmsted County.

This collaborative effort began in 2012 and continues to be led by Olmsted County Public Health Services, Olmsted Medical Center and Mayo Clinic in Rochester. In addition to the lead organizations, numerous community organizations, schools and worksites contribute to the overall process and are committed to keeping our community healthy.

It is very important that someone in every household receiving a survey complete it and return it as soon as possible. By completing the survey, valuable information will be gathered and analyzed, which will further define and clarify the most pressing health priorities in our area.

Participation in the survey is voluntary, and all answers are strictly confidential; no identifying information will ever be linked to any of the responses. It is very important that the surveys are completed and mailed back in a timely fashion.

Questions about the survey may be directed to Stacy Sundve, Epidemiologist for Olmsted County Public Health Services, by calling 507-328-7564.


MEDIA CONTACT:  Olmsted County Public Health News Release - Direct all media inquiries to Kari Etrheim, 507-328-7424