Pancreatic Cancer: Warning Signs, Screening and Risk Factors
November is Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month
Join #pancreaticchat
Tuesday, November 26 1-2 pm ET
With experts from @MayoClinic and @PanCAN
Moderated by @USAToday’s @LizSzabo
Topics will include:
- Scope of problem and who it impacts
- Warning signs, screening and risk factors
- Why is it so hard to predict and often caught so late
- Treatments
- Biomarkers
- Promising research and therapies on the horizon
If you’ve never participated in a Twitter chat, be sure to watch this how-to video before jumping in. We recommend you use a website such as Tweetdeck.com or Twubs.com to more easily follow the flow of the conversation. Questions? Send them to Nick Hanson.