Police-Assisted Recovery project wins Mayo Clinic Shared Value Award

ROCHESTER, Minn. — A law enforcement-led effort to help people struggling with drug addiction get on the path to sobriety will get a $30,000 boost.
The Police-Assisted Recovery project is the winner of the Mayo Clinic Shared Value Award. The project was one of three finalists competing for grant dollars. Community members and Mayo Clinic staff cast a record number of votes to determine this year's winner.
The Police-Assisted Recovery project seeks to find new pathways to help people stay out of jail and access drug treatment services. Collaborating on this project are the Rochester Police Department, Zumbro Valley Health Center, Doc's Recovery House, Minnesota Adult and Teen Challenge, EmPower CTC, and Olmsted County Adult Behavioral Health.
The two runners-up for the Shared Value Award — the Eviction Prevention and Meadow Park Initiative projects — each will receive a $5,000 grant. The Eviction Prevention project seeks to increase housing stability and reduce financial stress for area residents. The Meadow Park Initiative project is focused on empowering residents living with socio-economic challenges to connect with neighbors in activities and friendships to support health and well-being. Competition to be one of this year's finalists was tough, with an all-time high of 17 applicants.
"We are thrilled to see such strong community participation in this year's award process," says Erin Sexton, Mayo Clinic's director of Enterprise Community Engagement. "Mayo Clinic sees the Shared Value Award as a way to support collaborative efforts in Olmsted County focused on creating a healthy, inclusive and vibrant community.
Mayo Clinic created the Mayo Clinic Shared Value Award in 2016 to encourage collaborative efforts to address communitywide health priorities. Those priorities are injury prevention from distracted driving, immunizations, obesity, mental health and financial stress, according to the 2016 Olmsted County Community Health Needs Assessment.
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Media contact:
- Heather Carlson Kehren, Mayo Clinic Public Affairs, 507-284-5005, newsbureau@mayo.edu