• Robots Lend Helping Hand in Treating Throat Cancers

When you think of robots, what comes to mind?  R2D2 from Star Wars?  Maybe Rosie, the maid, from The Jetsons cartoon?  Well, a new study suggests using robots during surgery is actually leading to better outcomes for patients battling certain throat cancers.

The Mayo Clinic study found that transoral robotic surgery for treatment of oral cancers, conducted through the patient’s mouth, provided excellent results in removing squamous cell carcinoma at the back of the throat, especially in patients with human papillomavirus (HPV).  This newer form of cancer tends to be less aggressive, and the latest approach to treating the tumors can avoid the debilitating consequences of open-neck surgery or extensive radiation.  The study appears in the March issue of Mayo Clinic Proceedings

Four soundbites from Dr. Eric Moore, the study author are available in the downloads above.

Title:   Dr. Eric Moore, Mayo Clinic Head and Neck Surgeon