• Save Your Vision: Mayo Clinic Radio

Miss the show? Here is the podcast! Mayo Clinic Radio Full Show 3-1-2014

March is Save Your Vision month and we hope you can join us Saturday, Mar. 1, at 9 a.m. CT, when the topic is eyesight. Ophthalmologists, Sophie Bakri, M.D., and Michael Mahr, M.D. will be with us to discuss macular degeneration, glaucoma and cataracts in addition to workplace eye safety.

Myth or Matter of Fact: Only patients with a family history develop glaucoma.

For a link to information on eating disorders which we discussed with Dr. Leslie Sim, click Mayo Clinic or the AED webpage.

To listen to the program LIVE, click here.

For future topics, click on Upcoming Programs.

To listen to archived shows, click on Episodes.

If there is a topic you would like us to address, drop us a note.  Click here to create a guest account.