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    Science Saturday: New fish in the sea – Mayo Clinic research websites expanding content

At Mayo Clinic, research is integral to everything we do. We would be unable to offer the highest possible levels of care and continually improve the practice of medicine without research, and the education programs and processes to make it a reality.

Thanks for visiting, and we hope you enjoy learning more about some of our newest fish...that is, programs launching or expanding their online presence. Here are the latest new sites, as well as some with fresh content and updated information:

Jennifer J. Westendorf, Ph.D.

, and her team are revealing novel insights into numerous musculoskeletal diseases. The lab's ultimate goal is to increase knowledge that leads to the rational design of novel therapeutics for such diseases as:

In his Florida-based lab, John A. Copland III, Ph.D., and his team seek to discover novel cancer genes, better understand molecular mechanisms of carcinogenesis and tumor progression, and develop effective molecular-targeted therapeutics.

The Brain Tumor Patient-Derived Xenograft (PDX) National Resource characterizes and provides phenotypic and molecular information about patient-derived xenograft cell lines, allowing researchers to readily identify tumor lines of greatest interest for their research on brain cancer and glioblastoma. Services also include genome-wide profiling data, tumor extracts, frozen PDX tumor tissue, cryopreserved PDX tissue and derivative PDX cell lines.

The PDX National Resource at Mayo Clinic operates under the direction of Jann N. Sarkaria, M.D. and his Translational Neuro-Oncology Laboratory.

In his lab, Roberto P. Benzo, M.D., and his team, develop interventions to improve quality of life through mindfulness, rehabilitation and behavior change. They study how self-awareness, mindfulness and self-management affect lung cancer, COPD and other diseases.

We hope you take a little time for mindfulness in your daily life, as well as time to check out our latest updates.

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This article is written by By Elizabeth Zimmermann Young @elizabethzimmermann


Other Mayo Clinic medical research websites: