Mayo Clinic heart patients and family members returned to Mayo in Oct. 2008 to share stories of their care through a program called "Stories of the Heart: Through the Eyes of Our Patients."

Patients talked about their care at Mayo Clinic, focusing on the impact of Mayo staff during their stay.

"Hearing patients tell their stories, share personal insights of their care, and express their appreciation of the total team involved is very gratifying," says David Hayes, M.D., chair of the Division of Cardiovascular Diseases. "Some of our staff in the cardiovascular division have never seen themselves as members of our larger team, or fully appreciate their own contributions to the patient's experience. Everyone makes a difference, and they need to hear and understand how their contributions impact the successful experience of the patient."

Here is one of those stories:

To see and hear from other patient participants, see this playlist on Mayo Clinic's YouTube channel.

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