• Suicidal Behavior In Children And Adolescents

In the downloads above, Timothy Lineberry, M.D. discusses research on suicide.

Expert title for broadcast cg:
Dr. Timothy Lineberry, Mayo Clinic Psychiatrist


  • Saturday, May 5
    The Clinical Demographics of the Mayo Clinic Bipolar Disorder Biobank, presented by Manuel Fuentes Salgado, M.D., 3:30–5 p.m. EDT. Location: Room 109B Level 1.
  • Sunday, May 6
    Bipolar Disorder: State-of-the-Art Treatments, presented by Mark Frye, M.D.,  8–11 a.m. EDT. Location: Room 119B Level 1.
  • Monday, May 7
    Presidential Symposium: “New Approaches to Integration of Mental Health and Medical Health Service” with Mark Williams, M.D., 2–5 p.m. EDT, in Room 122 A/B Level 1.
  • Tuesday, May 8
    Scientific and Clinical Report, “The relationship of health anxiety to state anxietydepression, somatic symptom burden, and disability in a tertiary psychosomatic medicine population” by Jeffery Staab, M.D., 11 a.m.–12:30 p.m. EDT,
    in Room 111B Level 1.
  • “Assessment of Suicidal Behavior in Children and Adolescents,” Timothy Lineberry, M.D., from 1:30-3 p.m. EDT, Room 102A Level 1.