• Health & Wellness

    Wall Street Journal #Sleepchat on Wednesday

 woman sleeping on her side in bed with lavendar sheets and resting her head on her arm

Join The Wall Street Journal’s Shirley Wang, Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic, the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, the National Sleep Foundation and the American Academy of Neurology Wednesday, July 17,  1 - 2 p.m. ET.

We’ll cover everything from how to get a healthy night of rest to treatments and preventions for sleep disorders to new research on sleep and what a lack of it  might mean for your health down the road. Please bring questions  – there will be plenty of physicians on hand to share their expertise.  

If you’ve never participated in a Twitter chat, be sure to watch this how-to video before jumping in. We recommend you use a website such as Tweetdeck.com or Twubs.com to more easily follow the flow of the conversation. Questions? Send them to Nick Hanson.