• Cardiology Patient Stories

    When Medication is No Longer Effective for Atrial Fibrillation

Ron Boyle has had atrial fibrillation for twelve years.  He recalls, “When I was in a-fib most of the time, getting upstairs was a problem.  Just doing daily routine was a problem.  Get up in the morning and being totally fatigued and that’s the way the day would start.”  His previous medications were no longer stabilizing his symptoms and his life only became more difficult as time progressed.

Searching for answers, Ron turned to the internet for other options.  He came upon a new type of catheter study at Mayo Clinic under the direction of Dr. Douglas Packer.  Ron contacted Mayo Clinic and the staff informed him of the details of the study including the possibilities and side effects of placing the catheter in the procedure called a pulmonary vein ablation.  After weighing his options, Ron decided to move forward with becoming part of the study.

Months after the ablation Ron expresses, “It really has changed my life,” and calls the results “spectacular”.  He knows the outcome doesn’t happen to everyone but says, “Even if it didn’t turn out I wouldn’t have any regrets about coming to Mayo Clinic.”  With his atrial fibrillation under control, his life has gone back to the way things were, and he is looking forward to being able to enjoy his trip to Alaska without the limitations he had last year.

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