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Resiliency during COVID-19 pandemic flu season

a young woman in a kitchen, leaning over an open soup pot, smelling the aroma and preparing to take a taste from a wooden spoon

Resiliency during COVID-19 pandemic flu season
Oct. 22, 2020

As the COVID pandemic continues and flu season begins, staying healthy and finding ways to improve your immunity is important. 

"A resilient immune system is not just preventing, but constantly eliminating our exposures to background infections or inflammatory agents," says Dr. Anjali Bhagra, a Mayo Clinic integrative medicine specialist. "It allows your body to keep healing from inflammatory or infective triggers."  

In this Mayo Clinic Q&A podcast Dr. Bhagra, whose research focuses on resilience, talks about the ways to build your immune system and how resiliency practices can help you cope with illnesses this winter.