• Health & Wellness

    Head Trauma, Pesticides and Lack of Coffee Linked to Parkinson’s Disease in Men

Men who have had head trauma, used pesticides and don’t drink coffee are more likely to be associated with Parkinson’s disease. When those characteristics were coupled with immunologic diseases like multiple sclerosis and lupus, plus a family history of dementia, men were even likelier to have Parkinson’s.

Read EMBARGOED news release: AAN_NR

Mayo Clinic neurology experts are presenting research findings on Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, sleep disorders, concussions, multiple sclerosis and more at the American Academy of Neurology annual meeting in San Diego, March 16–23. They also are available to offer expert comment on other research findings. For more information on AAN and to arrange interviews contact: Nick Hanson at  hanson.nicholas@mayo.edu