The main selling point for carrots has been how they protect eyesight. However, Kate Zeratsky, a Mayo Clinic dietitian, says there are many other reasons why this root vegetable should be a regular part of your diet.
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Carrots check a box that government health officials say should be filled every day.
"So the recommendation is that we have one serving of an orange or yellow vegetable each day," says Zeratsky.
Zeratsky says that’s because root veggies like carrots pack a lot of nutritional punch in each crunch.
Carrots contain a compound called beta-carotene that’s converted to vitamin A in your body. Vitamin A promotes eye health, and it also reduces your risk for cancer.
"I think, we often think of the vitamin A," says Zeratsky. "However, carrots have a wealth of nutrition,"
Zeratsky says carrots are an excellent source of soluble fiber. And they're rich in antioxidants too.
"Both of which can be beneficial to the heart," she explains.
The carrot’s potassium aids in controlling blood pressure. And its vitamin C boosts your immune system.
"I think carrots are a great vegetable just because they are so simple," adds Zeratsky. "You can eat them raw. You can eat them cooked. And they help ensure that we get our one serving of orange or yellow vegetable in each day."
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