• Children's Center

    Back to School: Vaccinations

Vaccinations are an important part of the annual back-to-school routine. The Centers for Disease Control provides a state-by-state online registry of school admission vaccination requirementsPediatric infectious disease specialist with the Mayo Clinic Children's Center, Robert Jacobson, M.D., says now is the time to make sure your kids are up to date on their shots. Some regions of the country with whooping cough, or pertussis, outbreaks are vaccinating at younger ages to protect more children. Dr. Jacobson says there's another change to the immunization schedule to be aware of, as well.

Journalists: Sound bites with Dr. Jacobson are available in the downloads. File b-roll of children receiving the flu mist vaccine is also available.


/// Sound Bite #1 - CHANGES IN VACCINE RECOMMENDATIONS: (Robert Jacobson, M.D., Mayo Clinic Pediatrician)  "For example, teens, all starting at age 11, are due for three doses of the human papilloma virus vaccine. That’s a hard vaccine to work in to the regular pace of life. It’s three doses given over six months.  (TRT :14)  Similarly with the meningococcal vaccine. We’re now vaccinating at 11 and at 16 years of age.  So, there are a number of changes that parents need to consider.”   TRT :24  

Dr. Jacobson says other changes include the opportunity to use combination vaccines to make immunization easier for kids entering kindergarten.

/// Sound Bite #2 - COMBO SHOTS MADE EASIER: (Robert Jacobson, M.D., Mayo Clinic Pediatrician) "We’ve combined the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine with the chicken pox vaccine so a single dose will cover all four of those diseases."   TRT :09 

Dr. Jacobson says the diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis combination, often called the D-TAP shot, can be given to new students at the same time, along with the final dose of the polio vaccine.