• Health & Wellness

    Top Questions about Health Insurance Exchanges

A photograph of a stethoscope on insurance forms. -What is an exchange/marketplace?

-Will the plan I purchase on the public exchange/marketplace allow me to continue to seek care at Mayo Clinic?

-How will a public exchange/marketplace affect my coverage if I have Medicare?

These are just of a few of the questions Mayo Clinic is fielding from people still trying to sort out the details of the new Health Insurance Marketplace. Don’t feel bad if you’re feeling a bit confused as the opening of enrollment approaches for health coverage plans under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) Oct. 1. A recent national survey found that about half of the American population is not sure how it will affect them.  A study released this month by the Journal of Health Economics found that only 14 percent of those surveyed could even define the essential elements of a health insurance plan.

To see the answers to the questions above and other FAQ's, click here.