• Health & Wellness

    Medicare Reimbursement Legislation Would Repeal Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR)

Health care payment must be driven by evidence-based quality measures and proven patient outcomes

The U.S. Senate Finance Committee and the House Ways and Means Committee released an outline of proposed Medicare reimbursement legislation that would repeal the Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR) and create greater incentives that focus the Medicare payment system on health care quality and value. In response, Mayo Clinic President and CEO John Noseworthy, M.D., says,

Dr. Noseworthy“Mayo Clinic has long advocated for eliminating the SGR and moving toward valued-based rather than volume-based reimbursement. We look forward to studying the details, but we are pleased to see this bipartisan, bicameral effort to repeal the SGR and reform this outdated Medicare payment practice.

“In order for all providers to truly put the needs of the patient first, health care payment must be driven by evidence-based quality measures and proven patient outcomes. This is a very positive step in the long road ahead to meaningful Medicare reform. We encourage Congress to continue this bipartisan momentum and enact true Medicare physician payment reform this year.” 

Mayo Clinic will review in greater detail the initiatives outlined today and will respond to Congress’ request to provide further comments in the next few weeks.