• Research

    How Individualizing Breast Cancer Improved This Patient’s Care




Holly Boehle continues to reflect on the little things that make a difference in her care — the differentiators that brought her to Mayo Clinic and continue to give her hope today.

Boehle of Grand Rapids, Michigan, was diagnosed with breast cancer nearly two years ago. Subsequently, she learned of Mayo Clinic’s care through the Mayo Clinic Cancer Center and the breast cancer genome-guided therapy study known as BEAUTY through the Mayo Clinic Center for Individualized Medicine.

“When I came to Mayo Clinic for the first time at the end of January [2013], I was told about the BEAUTY study and how I might be a good fit,” Boehle says. “Dr. Judy Boughey came in and explained it in more detail to me and then gave us a few minutes to think about it and she left the room and my husband and I turned to each other and we immediately knew that we wanted to participate. We felt right away that we wanted to be part of the Mayo care.”



The Breast Cancer Genome-Guided Therapy (BEAUTY) study is designed to help researchers better understand why standard chemotherapy eradicates breast cancer in some women but fails in others.

The long-term goal is to enable individualized treatment for each woman with breast cancer by using the genetic information found in blood samples and tumor biopsies to predict the most effective therapies.

Boehle spent two months in Rochester, Minnesota, undergoing surgery and radiation before returning home and says she wouldn’t change her experience when she came back in 2013.

“It gave me time to become introspective on everything that I had been through with the cancer journey,” she says. “It gave me time to just sit back and appreciate each day and why we’re here and the difference that we’re making. It’s a time I think was very important for me emotionally, psychologically. But the care that I received medically I believe was excellent and I think it was extremely valuable to make that decision to come out here to Mayo for that care.”

Boehle recently returned to Mayo Clinic for a six-month checkup, and returned home with good news that all remained well moving forward.

“Every day I reflect back on this gift I’ve been given through Mayo Clinic’s support and treatment plan -- the joy of being here, being able to experience life and continue on with hope.”


Support BEAUTY and other Center for Individualized Medicine initiatives here.


