Mayo Clinic Q and A: Exercise tips for heart health

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: Finding the time to exercise with my busy work schedule seems impossible. How much exercise do I need to benefit my heart, and what kind? If I like to play pickleball, is that a better form of exercise than say, weightlifting?
ANSWER: Finding time within busy schedules can feel difficult, but if you dedicate at least 30 minutes of exercise on a daily basis, that can be enough. And any type of exercise is good for your body, even if you're just climbing the stairs for five minutes. Any type of physical activity that you perform on a daily basis will benefit your body. Even doing everyday housekeeping such as gardening is a good way to get in some physical activity.
We recommend that you exercise for at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise per week, such as walking at a brisk pace (that's around 30 minutes five times a week or 50 minutes three times a week) or 75 minutes per week of more intense activity such as running or jogging. If you run or jog, 75 minutes can be enough.
Sometimes, we dedicate that time to other things like checking social media or watching TV. It's a matter of finding the right time for you to exercise, such as catching up on Instagram or the news while on the treadmill. Trying to remain active is the key.
Remaining active as much as possible has been shown to be one of the best ways to control stress. Another one of the biggest benefits of exercise is how it positively affects our sleep. After daily physical activity, you tire, and it's easier for you to fall asleep. Getting enough sleep is important in preventing chronic conditions in the future, such as heart attacks, diabetes and strokes. For optimal heart health, sleeping at least seven to eight hours per night is usually recommended. This allows enough time for your body to recover and be ready for the next day. Fewer hours than this can lead to side effects that can negatively affect your heart and your overall health.
One of the tips I always recommend to my patients is to try to get into a schedule in which you're going to sleep at the same time and waking up at the same time. Consistency is very important for sleep and building exercise habits. In addition to getting daily physical activity not too close to bedtime, we recommend that you turn off any type of electronic device at least an hour and a half to two hours before bed to set up an environment that is easier for your body to fall asleep.
Sometimes it starts little by little, just by taking baby steps. It's always better to take baby steps and remain constant than take huge leaps you're not able to handle later on. When you start little by little, maybe with 5-10 minutes of physical activity on a daily basis with a progressive increase in the time to achieve your physical activity goals, this is going to become a habit. Don't let it go. Keep trying. If you want to remain healthy for your kids and see them grow and thrive in life, the best time to start is now. — Juan Cardenas Rosales, M.D., Internal Medicine, Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, Florida
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