• Health & Wellness

    Monday’s Housecall

Housecall Bannerman pressing his hands on his forehead because of tension headacheTHIS WEEK'S TOP STORIES
Headaches: Treatment depends on your diagnosis and symptoms
To foil frequent headaches, first figure out what type you have. Reaching for pills to ease the pain isn't always the best approach.

Eating and exercise: 5 tips to maximize your workouts
Whether you're walking around the block or training for a race, what you eat and drink can affect your workout. Keep these tips in mind.

Food poisoning: How long can you safely keep leftovers?
Bacteria typically don't change the taste, smell or look of food, so you can't tell whether it's dangerous to eat.

Fast weight loss: What's wrong with it?
Dropping pounds gradually makes it more likely that you'll keep the weight off over the long term.

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Jellyfish stings
Video: Happiness goes viral
Sun allergy
Thyroid nodules

Tomato basil bruschetta
Sauteed fresh corn
Gazpacho with garbanzo beans
Apple-berry cobbler

Stay healthy by making friends
Strong relationships with your partner, friends and other loved ones can motivate you to take good care of yourself. These relationships can also be an important buffer from the stresses of everyday life. Take time to nurture your relationships, starting today.

Need practical advice on diet and exercise? Want creative solutions for stress and other lifestyle issues? Discover even more healthy lifestyle topics at MayoClinic.org.

Stress: Expectation shift for mid and late career
Senior professionals in many fields are finding they must spend more time, not less, on the job as they approach the end of their careers.