• Cancer

    Living With Cancer: Bleeding and Bruising During Chemotherapy

a person's leg with a large yellow, green and purple bruise

Can bleeding problems during chemotherapy be prevented?
Chemotherapy can weaken your bone marrow's ability to produce platelets, a blood cell that helps stop bleeding, by binding to the site of damaged blood vessels and helping your blood clot. When you have low levels of platelets, you bleed and bruise more easily. Learn what to watch for and how to lower your risk.

Planning ahead with an advance directive is crucial
Planning ahead with an advance directive is important for everyone, since accidents and serious illness can strike at any time. It may be even more important to you now as you're dealing with a life-changing diagnosis such as cancer.

Mayo Clinic Cancer Center research: Three sites, one comprehensive cancer center
The Mayo Clinic Cancer Center is a National Cancer Institute-designated comprehensive cancer center with a multisite presence. Learn more.