March is Myeloma Awareness Month. Multiple myeloma is a blood cancer that most often occurs in people over age 45. It's the second-most common blood[...]
It's estimated that 2 to 3 million people in the U.S. are living with the hepatitis C virus, and hundreds of thousands of them are[...]
It's often silent but can be a deadly killer. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is a genetic condition that occurs in 1 in 500 people. Dr. Said Alsidawi,[...]
Sodium is a mineral that your body needs to function well. When you combine sodium with the mineral, chloride, the two make table salt. Sodium[...]
Seizures are produced by abnormal electrical activity in the brain that builds up and produces symptoms. About 1 in 26 people have epilepsy, which is[...]
Thinning hair is common as we age. And while the signs might not be as obvious as in men, about 55% of women experience some[...]
Winter weather changes can negatively affect the skin — the body's largest organ. Colder temperatures and a lack of moisture in the air can damage unprotected skin,[...]
The bitter winter elements can be brutal on the body. But is there any truth that you can "catch a cold" if not properly dressed[...]
Getting in better shape is consistently one of the most common New Year's resolutions people make each year, but many have a hard time following[...]
The holiday season can invite unwelcome guests into your life, such as loneliness, money problems, family demands and unrealistic expectations. The stress and anxiety that[...]
Vitamin D is a nutrient your body needs to keep your bones healthy and strong. It also has properties that support your immune system and[...]
Lung cancer is the largest cancer killer of adult men and women worldwide. One of the reasons is that by the time symptoms develop, the[...]