When Jay Elsten's neuroendocrine tumors no longer were responding to traditional treatment, Mayo Clinic offered him a recently approved nuclear medicine therapy. And it worked.[...]
The flu is hitting children and young adults particularly hard this year. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports 39 pediatric deaths due to flu complications so[...]
Walking pneumonia is a bacterial illness that can have you down, but not out. In this Mayo Clinic Radio Health Minute, Dr. Nipunie Rajapakse provides[...]

When Bob and Kelly Rodenberg wed 10 years ago, they hadn't a clue how their pledge to love one another through sickness and health would[...]
What's yellow, weighs more than 25 pounds and is something you'll likely have eaten by the end of December? The answer: a year's supply of bananas. In this[...]
For Jordyn and Michael Threat, having a premature baby was frightening on its own. Then learning that their firstborn, Lorelei, had a potentially fatal digestive[...]
Each year, more than 500,000 men in America have a vasectomy, which is a procedure that makes a man sterile. Vasectomy is done by cutting or[...]
Diagnosed with a rare neuroendocrine tumor while she was pregnant, Dr. Staci Tanouye and her husband, Dr. Amit Merchea, turned to a team of Mayo[...]
Our bodies are very good at fighting infection. The immune system reacts and attacks bacteria and viruses that make us sick. But sometimes the immune reaction is so strong[...]
Continuously published since 1926, Mayo Clinic Proceedings is a peer-reviewed journal, ranked among the top 10% of the 160 clinical journals in the Medicine, General[...]
Before coming to Mayo Clinic, Tammy Olson had been told the severe obstructive sleep apnea she'd been living with for years was beyond treatment. After[...]
For years, Keeley Allen and her family lived in fear that a seizure would strike and render the teen helpless. Unresponsive to medication, the seizures[...]