• Health & Wellness

    Discovery’s Edge Online Issue


ROCHESTER, Minn. — The latest online issue of Discovery's Edge, Mayo Clinic's research magazine, highlights three programs at Mayo Clinic that have changed medicine and the physician/researchers responsible. You may cite and link to this publication as often as you wish. Republication is allowed with proper attribution. Please include the following subscription information as your editorial policies permit: Visit Discovery's Edge for subscription information.

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 Treasure Trove of Medical Records Leads Researchers to New Discoveries

The Rochester Epidemiology Project is a treasure trove of data, cherished by researchers and funded by the National Institutes of Health for nearly 50 years. Groundbreaking research in nearly every medical discipline has improved patient care by utilizing data collected from several generations of patients in Olmsted County, Minn. It is the only resource in North America that offers complete disease information about a real population spanning half a century. The Rochester Epidemiology Project is one of a kind.

The Road to Discovery Runs through the Clinical Research Unit

Mayo Clinic’s Clinical Research Unit (CRU) has been a key waypoint for medical discoveries that have transformed the quality of life for countless people. Although the list of research projects that has improved patient care and the medical milestones reached via the CRU could fill an atlas, five stand out: diabetes, osteoporosis, gastrointestinal distress, sleep apnea and cardiovascular disease, and diseases related to physiology.

25 Years of Excellence and Innovation

Fifty years after the U.S. surgeon general issued his report on the harmful effects of smoking, Mayo Clinic’s Richard Hurt, M.D., founder and director of the Nicotine Dependence Center, warns, “Tobacco use is still the single most preventable cause of premature death in the world.” From modest beginnings and a single research project, the Nicotine Dependence Center celebrated its 25th anniversary of doing something about this alarming fact. In that time, over 50,000 patients have been treated for tobacco addiction. That success has been driven, in large part, by a dedicated and innovative research staff.

Putting the Hurt on Tobacco Addiction

A team effort built Mayo Clinic’s Nicotine Dependence Center into a world-renowned center for treating tobacco dependence, but the inspiration behind the program and its driving force for 25 years has remained the same: Richard Hurt, M.D. His tireless work has changed how the U.S. and the world view tobacco addiction. But, Dr. Hurt still finds time to see patients. It provides him with the opportunity to let them know that one day many years ago, he, too, had a last cigarette, and that stopping smoking is still the hardest thing he has ever done.

Discovery's Edge, Mayo Clinic's research magazine, highlights stories of leading medical investigators. Many features cover ongoing projects long before they reach the journals. Science writers and medical reporters seeking story ideas will want to check out the articles, which span a wide range of conditions and feature visuals they can use in their own publications.


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About Mayo Clinic
Mayo Clinic is a nonprofit worldwide leader in medical care, research and education for people from all walks of life. For more information, visit www.mayoclinic.org/about/ and www.mayoclinic.org/news.


Robert Nellis, Mayo Clinic Public Affairs, 507-284-5005,  newsbureau@mayo.edu