• Health & Wellness

    Father’s Day Gift Tourniquet Comes in Handy!

Mayo Clinic nurse Maria Flor and her father Randy Therkilsen with the tourniquet that came in handy.

With Father’s Day coming up, everyone wants to give Dad something he can really use. So, how about a gift that might even save his life? That was the idea behind a Mayo Clinic nurse’s gift; a tourniquet, of all things! Here’s Dennis Douda for the Mayo Clinic News Network.   [TRT 2:29]

Journalists, a broadcast quality package and a how-to video demonstrating proper tourniquet use are available in the downloads.

  • To read the Father's Day Tourniquet script, click here.
  • To read a transcript of Dr. Jenkins' comments, click here.
  • To see Dr. Jenkins demonstrate how to use a tourniquet properly in an emergency, click here.