• Health & Wellness

    Knowing the Signs and Surviving Sepsis

Our bodies are very good at fighting infection.  The immune system reacts and attacks bacteria and viruses that make us sick. But sometimes the immune reaction is so strong that it damages the body. This is called a septic reaction or sepsis, and the mortality rate associated with it can be high. Doctors at Mayo Clinic are trying to change that with a sepsis response team in intensive care units. Their goal: to stop sepsis and save lives.  [TRT 2:10] 

Script: Surviving Sepsis.

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By following the best practice guidelines, Kannan Ramar, M.D., says the sepsis response team has made Mayo Clinic’s Medical ICU a leader in successful sepsis treatment. Who’s at risk for developing sepsis? Dr. Ramar says it can happen to anybody, but people whose immune systems are compromised and those with diseases such as diabetes are at increased risk. He also says, signs of infection you should take seriously include persistent fever, nausea, vomiting, chills, confusion and worsening condition. If you experience these things, see your health care provider or seek emergency medical care.