• Health & Wellness

    Mayo Clinic Headache Expert Launches Migraine Campaign on TODAY Show

Mayo Clinic neurologist David Dodick, M.D., officially launched the 36 Million Migraine Campaign. It's named for the estimated 36 million Americans afflicted with chronic migraine headache pain. Dr. Dodick says if the campaign can raise one dollar for each of those people it would triple the amount of funding the federal government provides annually for migraine research. He announced details of the public awareness effort Thursday morning on NBC's Today Show.

Dr. Dodick is Chair of the American Migraine Foundation and the chair of Mayo Clinic's Headache Program in Phoenix, Arizona. Dodick says, according the World Health Organization, migraine headache is the third most common medical problem on the planet. It is also the 4th most disabling condition among women in the United States.

Dr. Dodick says money raised by the campaign will be spent directly on finding better treatments and potential cures for migraine headaches, which often have a genetic link .

Here's a link to the show.

Journalists wishing to arrange interviews with Dr. Dodick may contact Jim McVeigh at Mayo Clinic Public Affairs by calling 480-301-4222. Journalists may also use any part of the online video interview with Dr. Dodick as needed.