Regenerative medicine is an emerging field that looks to repair, replace or restore diseased cells, tissues or organs. One specialty that's a natural fit for regenerative medicine is dermatology. That's because the skin is the largest organ that regenerates in the body.
"Regenerative medicine is the idea that we can reestablish form and function," says Dr. Saranya Wyles, a Mayo Clinic dermatologist. "So when we are born, we have that baby skin. And as we age, that sort of shifts and changes over time. So how do we utilize regenerative technologies to get that skin to go back to regenerating or restoring that form and function?"
Mayo Clinic's Center for Regenerative Medicine is leading efforts to integrate new regenerative biotherapeutics into clinical care. Dr. Wyles explains the regenerative medicine "toolkit" includes stem cells and platelet-rich plasma, and the latest tool: exosomes.
"I think it's these new technologies within regenerative medicine that we are going to look to directly be playing against that root cause of aging," explains Dr. Wyles.
Products to repair aging skin are in demand, but Dr. Wyles cautions people to make sure there is science-based evidence and not just hype. The focus of Dr. Wyles' lab is to provide a validated scientific approach to conditions such as wrinkles, age spots and thinning skin. Her studies examine the role of cellular senescence as a biomarker of skin aging.
"I think that this is a very exciting time, and we're seeing a convergence of longevity and aging science and regenerative medicine," says Dr. Wyles. "I would just advise you to really ask about the research that's being done and really know the science — and then decide on a product that would be best fitting for you."
On the Mayo Clinic Q&A podcast, Dr. Wyles discusses regenerating damaged skin.
Read more about Dr. Wyles' work in the Mayo Clinic Center for Regenerative Medicine blog.
Watch: Dr. Wyles discuss dermatology and regenerative medicine.
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