Mayo Clinic Radio: First-hand experience battling COVID-19 / importance of cancer screening / gynecologic cancers / adult asthma

Cancer diagnoses have decreased since the COVID-19 pandemic began, according to a recent study in JAMA. On the Mayo Clinic Radio program, Dr. Nabil Wasif, a Mayo Clinic surgical oncologist, discusses the importance of routine cancer screenings. Next on the program, Dr. Deepi Goyal, a Mayo Clinic emergency physician and regional chair of practice for Southeastern Minnesota, shares his experience battling COVID-19 and offers tips for being prepared to quarantine at home when necessary. Also on the program, Dr. Amanika Kumar, a Mayo Clinic gynecologic surgeon, explains how thorough assessment of a patient can help direct the treatment for ovarian cancer. And Dr. James Li, a Mayo Clinic allergist and immunologist, discusses adult asthma.