Mayo Clinic Radio Health Minute Downloads (January 2014)
Here are your Mayo Clinic Radio Health Minutes for the month of January, 2014. To download, right click on each link and "save target as". Depending on your internet connection, this may take a few moments. This month we have added a zip file of the entire month's content for one easy download.
Here's The Zip File
And here are the individual files
1-02-14 Sleep Disordered Breathing in Kids
1-06-14 Bariatrics No Quick Fix
1-09-14 Treating Voice Disorders
1-14-14 What Causes Inappropriate Sinus Tachycardia
1-15-14 Treating Carotid Artery Disease
1-20-14 Gastric Bypass Complications
1-21-14 Treating Rectal Cancer
1-22-14 Anaplastic Thyroid Cancer
1-23-14 Nose and Sinus Problems
1-27-14 Treating Hemochromatosis
1-30-14 Weight Loss and Portion Size
1-31-14 Acute Kidney Injury Study