Mayo Clinic Radio Health Minute Downloads (May 2014)
Here are your Mayo Clinic Radio Health Minutes for the month of May, 2014. To download, right click on each link and "save target as". Depending on your internet connection, this may take a few moments. This month we have added a zip file of the entire month's content for one easy download.
Here's The Zip File
And here are the individual files
2014May01Radial Arterial Catheterization
2014May02Kids and OTC Allergy Medications
2014May06Am I Too Old to Donate
2014May07Early Blood Pressure Problems
2014May09Hepatitis C Treatment
2014May14What is a Bartholin Cyst
2014May21Who's a Candidate for Bariatric Surgery
2014May26How To Handle a Baby With Colic
2014May28What is Fuch's2014May29Swimmers Ear