The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released guidance on May 13 stating that people who are fully vaccinated for COVID-19 do not need to socially distance or wear a mask indoors in most settings. This updated guidance excluded certain environments, including health care facilities.
Mayo Clinic has reviewed its guidance for masking, distancing and in-person meetings. While Mayo will continue to reevaluate and refine its approach as the situation evolves, as an initial step, the following guidance is effective as of Monday, May 24:
No changes to masking, distancing, or in-person meetings guidance are being made inside buildings where health care is delivered or clinical activity occurs, regardless of COVID-19 vaccination status. This means that all masking and distancing requirements remain in place for patients, visitors and staff inside these facilities.
Changes will be made for fully vaccinated patients, visitors and staff members while outdoors on Mayo Clinic property. Masking is optional for patients, visitors and Mayo Clinic staff who are fully vaccinated.
Mayo Clinic will continue to re-evaluate and refine its guidance, and guidance will continue to be adjusted as the situation continues to evolve.
Information in this post was accurate at the time of its posting. Due to the fluid nature of the COVID-19 pandemic, scientific understanding, along with guidelines and recommendations, may have changed since the original publication date.
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