Media statement from Mayo Clinic regarding immigration/travel executive order
Updated Statement from Mayo Clinic
January 30, 2017
“We are currently assessing the situation related to the travel and immigration executive order. We are aware of approximately 80 staff, physicians, or scholars associated with Mayo Clinic who have ties to the seven countries included in the executive order. We are not aware of any Mayo Clinic staff traveling for Mayo Clinic business who are currently affected. We are not aware of any Mayo-sponsored non-immigrant visa holders who have been immediately affected. We are still unsure of how Mayo staff and their families who are traveling for personal reasons may be affected.
A number of Mayo Clinic staff and trainees have expressed concern about the potential impact this order may have on their future plans, and we are working to more fully assess and advise on these concerns in a rapidly changing legal environment.
We are aware of approximately 20 patients who may be affected, and are working with any patients who have any concerns related to travel to or from Mayo Clinic.”
MEDIA CONTACT: Ginger Plumbo, Mayo Clinic Public Affairs, 507-284-5005, newsbureau@mayo.edu
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