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    Monday’s Housecall

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Meatless meals: The benefits of eating less meat
You can eat healthfully without spending a lot. One way to achieve healthy savings is to serve meat less often.

Managing fatigue with multiple sclerosis
The fatigue that often accompanies MS can make it hard to do what you want to do. Use these ideas to help fight fatigue.

Whitening toothpaste: Does it whiten teeth?
Find out how whitening toothpaste works and whether it's effective.

When the heat is on, which oil should you use?
Olive, canola or grapeseed? Which should you have on hand?

Spinach-stuffed sole
Fava beans with garlic
Cauliflower mashed 'potatoes'
Cranberry spritzer

buffet table with platters of Italian cremes and pastry dessertsHEALTH TIP OF THE WEEK
Are your holidays a dietary free-for-all?
The holidays aren't an excuse to abandon healthy habits. Some indulgence is OK, but too much may leave you feeling depressed and guilty. Plan ahead to manage temptation. Have a healthy snack before holiday parties so that you don't go overboard on sweets, cheese or drinks. And continue to get plenty of sleep and physical activity.

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Coping with the ups and downs of living with MS
Video: Need to relax? Take a break for meditation
Cancer prevention: 7 tips to reduce your risk
Slide show: 10 great health foods

Nutrition-wise: Sleep and energy balance — What's the connection?
Eating fewer calories than you burn should lead to weight loss, right? So why is it that this equation doesn't always seem to work?