It may sound somewhat strange to be talking about Summer during the middle of winter in Minnesota, but over 700 nursing students from across the country have just completed their Summer III Nursing Program applications in hopes of being selected for the nearly 140 positions at one of Mayo Clinic's hospitals in Rochester, Minnesota.
Mayo's Summer III Nursing Program is one of the country's longest consecutive student nursing experiences in the country, now entering its 43rd year. Selected students arrive in Rochester, MN in early June to spend the next ten weeks on one of Mayo's 60 specialty nursing units and combined 100 operating rooms for perioperative nursing.
I am always excited during this time of year, as I reflect back on my Summer III experience. I was a Summer III in 1996 and remember spending hours filling out my application, making sure it was just right. I was fortunately selected for the program and was assigned to the Post Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU) at Rochester Methodist Hospital.
As I reflect on my Summer III experience, I look back on how this opportunity has positively impacted my nursing career thus far: a) employment, b) experience, c) friendships, d) opportunity, e) mentorship, and most importantly, f) the opportunity to provide the best nursing care to all of the patients I have had the honor to take care of.
I went into the nursing profession because I dreamed of one day becoming a flight nurse. I have had the privilege to work as a flight nurse for Mayo Clinic Medical Transport, one of the most rewarding specialties in nursing. I truly believe that my Summer III experience helped me to realize my dream. Today, I have the privilege to be the Summer III Program coordinator and hope to help other Summer III's realize their professional nursing dreams.
Below is a look at the Summer III recruitment video.
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