• Health & Wellness

    The Olympics of Germs; Avoiding Illness in Crowds

Mayo Clinic Infectious Disease Expert Offers Tips on Avoiding Illness in Crowds

Massive crowds from around the globe are converging on London during the Olympics, which means a world-class array of germs will mix with them. Mayo Clinic infectious diseases expert and director of the Vaccine Research Group at Mayo Clinic, Gregory Poland, M.D., says whenever you’re in a venue with hundreds of thousands of people, particularly from all corners of the world, you automatically run increased risk of disease. “The big ones that we’re worried about in terms of the Olympics are things that are currently epidemic in certain parts of the world, including the U.S. Those would include pertussis, measles, mumps and rubella, and of course, when you have people coming from the Southern Hemisphere, this is their influenza season.”  

Read entire news release for complete list of tips to avoid illnesses.

Soundbites with Dr. Poland are available in the downloads above.
Expert title for broadcast cg: Dr. Greg Poland, Mayo Clinic Infectious Diseases

To interview Dr. Poland please contact: 

Sharon Theimer
507-284-5005 (days)
507-284-2511 (evenings)
Email: newsbureau@mayo.edu