Twitter Chat with U.S. News: EMPOWERING THE PATIENT
Join @USNewsHealth for a #PatientChat on Thursday.
Learn how to take charge of your health care: http://bit.ly/15bNLTn.
The discussion follows last week’s release of Best Hospitals, a resource for patients with particularly difficult or complex conditions. It ranks America’s best hospitals across various geographical regions and in 16 medical specialties. Deciding on a hospital is only part of the process, though. The chat will be held to help further the conversation and to guide consumers’ choices.
Our experts are prepared to discuss how patients in a hospital can take ownership of their care and become actively engaged and informed about their treatment. This includes topics such as computerized health records, being honest with your doctor and getting the most out of your visit. Mayo Clinic experts joining the chat: Victor Montori, M.D., @vmontori, Sharonne Hayes, M.D.,@SharonneHayes and Annie LeBlanc, Ph.D., @Annie_LeBlanc
Date: Thursday, July 25
Time: 2 to 3 p.m. ET
Hashtag: #PatientChat
Moderator: @USNewsHealth
View Live chat stream below:
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