• Wife Gives Husband the Gift of Life with Living Donor Kidney

Cameron and his fiancée Savannah
When 29-year-old Cameron Mullis of Jacksonville, Florida, was diagnosed with IgA nephropathy and told he’d need a kidney transplant, he was facing the likelihood of kidney dialysis and several years of waiting for a suitable donor. Little did he realize, his potential donor was living under the same roof as him.

IgA nephropathy, also known as Berger's disease, is a kidney disease that occurs when an antibody called immunoglobulin A, or IgA, lodges in your kidneys. This results in local inflammation that, over time, may hamper your kidneys' ability to filter waste, excess water and electrolytes from your blood. Kidney damage may be indicated by blood and protein in the urine, high blood pressure and swollen feet. There currently is no cure for this disease outside of a kidney transplant.

This patient story originally appeared December 16, 2015 in Sharing Mayo Clinic.

After his initial diagnosis in September 2014, Cameron came to Mayo Clinic's Florida campus for an evaluation for a kidney transplant. He was listed for a kidney in May 2015. The median wait time is 3.6 years for a donor kidney, given the national demand for donated organs, especially kidneys. Currently, more than 101,000 patients are listed nationally for a donor kidney, while last year, only about 17,000 kidney transplants were done in the U.S.

Read the rest of Cameron's story.