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    Media Advisory: Mayo Clinic puts regenerative medicine into practice

Discovery's Edge website screengrab on a laptopThat and other new medical research stories in Discovery’s EdgeRenaissance in Medicine

Regenerative medicine, the science harnessing the body’s healing mechanisms, is no longer science fiction or a research study. It’s being integrated into a wide range of specialties in the medical practice at Mayo Clinic, as physicians advance from treating symptoms to seeking cures.

Mayo and NASA – Exploring Two Frontiers

Following a three-generation legacy of aerospace medical research, Mayo Clinic researchers continue to seek answers for the future of space exploration. The four investigators showcased are investigating: stem cell growth in a weightless environment for potential regenerative medicine therapies; chilling astronauts for long-term travel; avoiding vision problems in space; and limiting bone loss.

Cleaning Up Cancer

Immunotherapy – boosting the body’s immune system to attack cancer tumor cells – is a promising approach to fight many forms of the disease, either directly or in combination with other treatments. It’s already adding years to patients’ lives and promise for future therapies as seen in this roundup from Mayo’s campuses.

Eye in the Storm

It’s the eye disease you haven’t heard of unless you or a relative has it. Yet, it is one of the leading causes of vision loss and there is no treatment short of transplanting the cornea. A Mayo team is trying to change that.

Discovery’s Present

Yes, it’s a play on words…about the past, present and future research on a rare kidney disease that has no cure. It’s also about the gift of themselves, literally, made by patients who make the ongoing research possible.

Transforming Medicine

How do you change the practice of medicine? You have to start out with funding, a positive idea, and the right people. That last part ─ building the right team ─ is a bit like the old “Mission Impossible” approach. Here’s how one scientist assembles the right people to save lives.

These and other stories and videos are available online at Discovery's Edge.

You may cite and link to this publication as often as you wish. Republication is allowed with proper attribution.

Discovery's Edge, Mayo Clinic's online research magazine, highlights stories of leading medical investigators. Many features cover ongoing projects long before they reach the journals. Science writers and medical reporters seeking story ideas will want to check out the articles, which span a wide range of conditions and feature visuals they can use in their publications.


About Mayo Clinic
Mayo Clinic is a nonprofit organization committed to clinical practice, education and research, providing expert, whole-person care to everyone who needs healing. For more information, visit http://newsletter.carehubs.com/t/j-i-kkkjlrk-l-n/ or http://newsletter.carehubs.com/t/j-i-kkkjlrk-l-p/

MEDIA CONTACT: Bob Nellis, Mayo Clinic Public Affairs, 507-284-5005, newsbureau@mayo.edu