My name is Cindy W. I was recently seen by Dr. Randall Edson in the Mayo Clinic Infectious Disease Department. I can't say enough good things[...]
More accurate and more sensitive. When it comes to cancer screenings, those are two attributes you really want. Well, results of two studies suggest that[...]
Whether you're a black-diamond skier or a novice on the bunny slope your day can be spoiled by an injury that happens on the last run of[...]
When fall colors fade and winter rolls in with its increasingly cold temperatures and dwindling daylight, there's a good chance you've felt sluggish, moody and[...]
After this opera singer noticed something on her chin and asked her dentist to take an x-ray, they found an ossifying fibroma that had taken[...]
Here are your Mayo Clinic Radio Health Minutes for the month of February, 2014. To download, right click on each link and "save target as". [...]
Here are your Mayo Clinic Radio Health Minutes for the month of January, 2021. To download, right click on each link or click on the[...]
Here are your Mayo Clinic Radio Health Minutes for the month of January, 2014. To download, right click on each link and "save target as". [...]
Here are your Mayo Clinic Radio Health Minutes for the month of May, 2014. To download, right click on each link and "save target as".[...]
Mayo Clinic will break ground for a cutting edge cancer therapy facility on December 13 at its hospital campus in Phoenix. Construction begins this month[...]
Obese patients with early-stage HER2-positive breast cancer may have worse outcomes than patients who are normal weight or overweight, according to a study presented at the[...]
Kari Ulrich, a patient with Fibromuscular Dysplasia (FMD), shares her story of struggles before and after being diagnosed with FMD in 2007. Kari writes:[...]