I, like many on the Mayo team, came to the Mayo Clinic through unexpected circumstances and/or stayed much longer than I expected. I love to[...]
It may sound somewhat strange to be talking about Summer during the middle of winter in Minnesota, but over 700 nursing students from across the[...]
“Mayo Clinic” is one of the best-known and most-trusted “brand names,” but its origin has more to do with our inherent values than with any[...]
Fortune magazine recently named Mayo Clinic to its 2009 “100 Best Companies to Work For” list, marking the sixth consecutive year that Mayo has made[...]
Mayo Clinic added a new Mayo One medical transport helicopter to its fleet late last fall. The new aircraft is Mayo’s first American Eurocopter EC145, which Mayo[...]
More than 7,000 runners are expected on Mayo Clinic’s Florida campus Feb. 15 for the second annual 26.2 with Donna, the National Marathon to Fight[...]
“I saw your feature on the research you’re doing. I realize it’s preliminary, but is there any additional information you could send me?” I’m always[...]
Daniel Rothamel of Charlottesville, Va. tells his story of coming to Mayo Clinic for treatment of chronic ulcerative colitis. Here's an excerpt: Once my wife[...]
I work in Mayo Clinic’s Health Policy Center, planning and coordinating the center’s events. While the Mayo Clinic Health Policy Center is relatively new[...]
Mayo Clinic uses technology to connect patients with home, family and friends A group of high school guys trading stories, laughing and joking is nothing[...]
When Craig McMillan found a lump in his left breast while showering in September 2004, he didn’t think much of it. The 59-year-old insurance agent[...]
Here's an excerpt of Lindsay Wood's story, which she submitted on the Share Your Mayo Clinic Story open comment thread. ...On my second visit to[...]