The American Cancer Society has announced updated guidelines as to when most folks should begin being screened for colon and rectal cancer. Colon and rectal[...]
An estimated 5.5 million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s disease, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Alzheimer's disease progressively destroys memory and[...]
In this Mayo Clinic Radio Health Minute, Dr. Sanjay Bagaria, a surgeon at Mayo Clinic, will explain hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy — a cancer treatment using heated[...]
When Melissa Webb had an unusual cyst in her throat surgically removed at the age of 6, she had no idea how much the experience[...]
When a Mayo Clinic surgical team learned that a child tethered to life support in a foreign country would die in a matter of days[...]
A host of serious medical concerns were making daily life a challenge for Robert Watts. Comprehensive care at Mayo Clinic helped him tackle each of[...]
Frankie Weekley suffered a stroke that could have left her severely debilitated. But prompt access to stroke telemedicine saved Frankie’s life and minimized the effect[...]
When faced with an alarming diagnosis of tongue cancer that threatened not only her health but also her livelihood, Paulette Walz looked to Mayo Clinic[...]
After years of enduring pain from frequently passing kidney stones, Kathleen Ryan now enjoys a better quality of life thanks to cutting-edge imaging technology and[...]
May is American Stroke Month. According to the American Stroke Association, stroke is the nation’s No. 5 killer and a leading cause of long-term disability. The American Stroke[...]
Managing medications while keeping her seizures under control is a challenge for Hannah Soderberg. The Mayo Clinic Outpatient Pharmacy makes it easier with individualized attention[...]
Muscle spasms, can be painful, no matter where they occur. In this Mayo Clinic Radio Health Minute, Dr. John Pemberton explains a condition called proctalgia[...]