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    In the Loop: Mayo Nurse Donates Kidney, Gains New Friend

kidney transplant donor Kate Burris in hospital bed

When Kate Burris sat down to watch an episode of "Grey's Anatomy" last November, the last thing she expected was a life-changing epiphany. But that's exactly what happened. "It's kind of a funny story, actually," she tells us. "Some random character on the show said, 'I'm going to donate my kidney,' and that made me think whether I could donate mine."

Kate, a transplant nurse at Mayo's Arizona campus, was working at another hospital at the time. She says once she made the decision to become an altruistic organ donor, it was "eye-opening" for her to be "on the other side as a patient." And she was floored by the number of tests she had to pass. "I had so many doctor appointments," she says. "I had no idea how detailed the donation process was." Read the rest of Kate's story.

This story originally appeared on the In the Loop blog.