• Cancer

    In the Loop: Race to finish breast cancer is personal

breast cancer patient, Hollis Livezey Youngner, with her family
Last February, Hollis Livezey Youngner stood at the end of the National Marathon to Finish Breast Cancer, cheering (and crying) as she watched many of her friends and family members cross the finish line of a race they’d run in her honor. “I was a bundle of emotions,” Hollis tells us. “It was the most amazing, inspirational experience.”

When she saw one of her chemo nurses cross that line, Hollis, who was diagnosed with HER-2 positive breast cancer in 2012, made a decision: “Next year, I’m going to do that, too.” She started training for the half marathon in March, and soon after, learned her cancer had spread to her brain. It’s shown up in two additional spots since then. “I’ve joked to my doctor that someone’s trying to tell me not to run,” Hollis, who continues to be seen at Mayo Clinic's Florida campus, tells us.

Read the rest of Hollis' story.
This story originally appeared on the In the Loop blog.